P4 - Page 86
Read some blogs on the digital self at Link 3
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Research point (optional) 1
Henner is not alone in appropriating imagery from Google Earth and Streetview; others
include Michael Wolf, Jon Rafman and David Thomas Smith. If you’re interested in this topic,
you may want to research the work of some or all of these practitioners.
Read Jackie Stacey’s essay ‘Desperately Seeking Difference’ (1988), reproduced in Evans & Hall
(1999) Visual Culture: The Reader, London: Sage, pp.390–401. You’ll find this on the student
website (PH5DIC_Visual Culture_Desperately Seeking Difference).
This article was written around the time that the possibility of a ‘female gaze’ was proposed to
counterpoint that of the ‘male gaze’.
P4 - Page 95
Read Limor Shifman’s essay ‘The Cultural Logic of Photo-Based Meme Genres’ in Journal of
Visual Culture, December 2014, Vol.13(3), pp.340–58, at Link 4
• The global Occupy movement made extensive use of images. In ‘Occupy the Image’ Liam
Devlin discusses the image of US police officer John Pike, who was originally photographed
pepper-spraying a group of protestors at the University of California in 2011. Pike has
become an internet meme; cut out of the original photograph, he has found his way into
various famous images of conflict and struggle and other celebrated artworks.
Link 5
P4 - Page 98
Read Susan Sontag’s essay ‘Regarding the Torture of Others’ at Link 7
• Read Alise Tifentale’s essay ‘Making Sense of the “Masturbation of Self-Image” and the
“Virtual Mini-Me” ’ at Link 8 This is published by a research group based in New York called
Selfie City. See Link 9