My tutor feedback is shown below and my comments in italics.
Formative feedback
Student: Ian Meechan
Tutor: Andrea Norrington
Degree Pathway: Photography Student number: 515528
Course Unit: Digital Image and Culture Assignment No: 4
Feedback Format: Video Date: 02/12/24
Dear Ian Many thanks for the time today and it was good to catch up in person. Below is a summary of our discussion – any queries do let me know. Your work was viewed on your website: https://www.macmeechan.co.uk/
As per our recent emails, below is the feedback for Assignment 2. I understand that you have not been able to submit via OCA Learn, so I will send a copy of this report to OCA directly.
Assignment 2
Spoke about adjusting the wording on each page as not make it so obvious about the ages. Think you can simply give just the two ages.
Needs an ending – as it just stops. Think how a book or a slideshow ends. If a slideshow you could have a link to the archive at the end.
I would advise reworking this assignment as the work now could pay dividends in terms of finalising presentation methods for assignment 4/5.
After re-evaluating the submission, I decided it would be far better to take onboard my tutor's suggestion and create a book. I felt the original was only a prototype and very basic so the exercise needed to be expanded out and more visually appealing. I've also amended the text for the imagery, reprinted and produced a completed book.
I mentioned the Harry Borden book:
I’ve shared my short video directly with you (which isn’t great!)
Found this better walkthrough here – look out how text/image and then biography have been used.
I found watching the video of Harry Borden's book very moving. The presentation of the images combined with the subjects handwritten comments definitely helped my creative process when producing the reworking of my book. I also thought it was poignant as I also read two books about the same subject.

Both books also describe the events of the holocaust in differing ways making me recollect some of the stories from both books. Watching the video and revisiting the books was very inspiring and although the subject matter wasn't pleasant, they showed the resilience and best in the human spirit.
Networking – within OCA and outside – consider art networks within Australia. You don’t need to have lots but a few people that can provide feedback. It will be good to walk on that network now as their advice will be valuable for the process of working through assignment 4/5.
By establishing now, you will have good support from Level 3.
Andrea will check broken links with Dan.Update – I have emailed Dan – either he or I will contact you on this.
The internet still continues to me problematic. I work in the middle of the dessert so will have to keep working on it. when I have breaks during term time I will endeavour to contact international students to connect for social contact and feedback.
Assignment 3
Do submit essay as Word document or Google Doc – feedback will be written with annotation. If you can’t still access OCA Learn to submit, then email me directly.
Continue to upload the coursework exercises for all part of the course as and when you complete them.
Feedback for assignment 4 would be good to do as a video call as then we can discuss options on how you might progress/develop the work for assignment 5.
A2 Reflection
The internet issues aside I feel as I am making progress although it could be quicker. I have to also consider things in more details as I'm probably rushing through everything to try and make my own self imposed deadlines. My tutor has encouraged me and indicated that I'm on the correct path and not to be too concerned at this moment. the rule for now is to keep working, review and improve.
Assignment Schedule
