Image Credit: Ian Meechan
I've commented on this subject in my learning log entries, however, I'd like to add some reflection to this.
As my career path progressed, I've worked in several fields where online security was a priority. I had a conversation with current colleagues who are between 22 to 28 years old and generally speaking about photos online and cloud storage I asked the question, 'How would you feel if someone else was to access your photos if the site was compromised?'
"I don't care, I've still go them all (21,000 in total) in the cloud, was the reply. This concerned me that even if someone was to access your mobile that you wouldn't seem concerned at the result. The more colleagues and friend who I knew who had this age demographic and more were all of the same opinion.
In my learning log comments I mentioned awareness, vigilance, and ethical responsibility but it seems that more and more people are becoming more blase about their security online. My only reasoning about this is that if you can't see it, they can't hurt you. This is further than the truth could be. When I worked in One Arm Point Remote CommunitySchool we didn't swim in the ocean as the crocodile would float just under the surface of the water watching you. I feel there are a lot of crocodiles on the web too.