The rise of selfies has impacted today's youth, creating an illusion of perfection that distorts self-perception and unrealistic beauty standards. Social media platforms are inundated with heavily filtered and edited images, making it difficult to distinguish reality from digital fantasy. Selfies contribute to increased cases of body dysmorphia as young people struggle to match the unattainable ideals they see online.
Eleven years ago, Dove's advertising campaign for unfiltered selfies sought to challenge this trend, promoting natural beauty and self-acceptance. However, in today's digital era, the issue has only intensified. Movements advocating for unfiltered selfies as a symbol of real beauty are gaining momentum, encouraging authenticity over artificial perfection.
Unfiltered Selfies
Video Credit - Dove Official Site (YouTube)
Reverse Selfie
Video Credit - Dove Official Site (YouTube)

Image Credit - Dove Official Site
Yet, in places like China, the obsession with flawless digital appearances remains deeply ingrained, with apps offering extreme alterations that create almost unrecognisable versions of individuals. I worked as an English teacher over 5 years ago in two different cities in China and witnessed first-hand staff members whose selfies made them look 20 years younger than their current look.
The two images above are some WeChat profile photos of a colleague I worked with at a school in China. For privacy reasons she has given permission to post on my learning log however she asked if I wouldn't mention her name. Her actual age is in her 30s but clearly looks like younger girl around 20 years old.
As awareness grows, there is a push for change, urging young people to embrace their natural features and reject the damaging cycle of digital distortion. The challenge remains: can we redefine beauty in a world dominated by filtered perfection?
It's difficult to predict the future of selfies. Still, with the introduction of so many AI features on every mobile device model, I fear that it will take a lot to return to the unmanipulated realities of the original selfies.
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